About the Project


In Chile, the recent law recognizing the Internet as a public service opens new opportunities to strengthen digital autonomy in regions such as Maule. Rural women and communities face significant challenges in accessing and using technology, exacerbated by economic and cultural barriers. This study is inspired by international models of successful community networks, which have proven effective in empowering marginalized communities. Integrating a feminist perspective, it seeks to identify how these networks can improve connectivity and promote gender-equitable participation and sustainable practices. Through the review of public policies and analysis of local cases, the aim is to generate concrete recommendations to support the expansion of these initiatives, ensuring inclusive and environmentally responsible benefits for Maule and other similar regions.

General Objective

Analyze the possibilities and challenges of implementing community Internet networks in the Maule Region, Chile, in the context of the new law that qualifies the Internet as a public service. This study will focus on understanding how these networks can promote the digital inclusion of marginalized groups, especially women and other underrepresented groups, thus reducing technological and gender gaps in the region.

Specific Objectives

1. Conduct an exhaustive literature review on international models of Internet community networks, highlighting successful practices.

2. Analyze the impact of similar legislation and public policies on connectivity and digital autonomy, focusing on their effects on gender equity and social inclusion in rural and semi-urban contexts.

3. Study local cases in Maule where community Internet networks have been implemented or are being considered, evaluating their effectiveness in improving access and equitable use of technology, especially for women and vulnerable communities.

4. Develop a theoretical and practical proposal for implementing community networks in Maule, including specific strategies to promote equitable gender participation and ensure the environmental sustainability of the proposed infrastructures.

5. Generate recommendations for public policies that support the expansion and sustainability of community Internet networks in Chile, integrating principles of environmental justice and gender equity in the access and use of technology.


Analysis and Diagnosis

A comprehensive review of the literature on Internet community networks will focus on successful models and their application in social and digital inclusion. Additionally, a detailed analysis of the local context in the Maule Region will be carried out, with demographic and infrastructure data collected and interviews conducted to understand the specific needs for connectivity and community participation. It is expected to obtain a detailed analysis of the possibilities and challenges of its implementation, highlighting its potential to strengthen digital inclusion and reduce technological and gender gaps.

Proposal Design

A theoretical-practical model of a community network adapted to the context of the Maule Region will be developed, addressing technical aspects and designing a sustainable economic and operational plan. Technological justice principles will be integrated to ensure equitable accessibility and inclusive social benefits. The formulation of concrete proposals for implementing networks adapted to the local reality is anticipated, focused on promoting equitable gender participation and ensuring the environmental sustainability of the proposed infrastructures, thus contributing to closing technological and gender gaps in the Region.

Implementation and Dissemination

A pilot plan will be implemented in a selected community in the Maule Region to evaluate the proposed community network model. Local partnerships will be established, a detailed schedule will be developed, and ongoing monitoring will occur to adjust the model as necessary. The results will be documented and disseminated, focusing primarily on gender equity and environmental justice. Recommendations will be generated for public policies that support the expansion and sustainability of these networks, incorporating principles of environmental justice and gender equity in the access and use of technology.


Start: January 2025
End: December 2025